Dude I’m not ready and it’s going to cost $100 in gas to get there and back!
you and benny are the only two i will let slide on this event. because your cars are smashed and wrecked.
how far do you live from lv?
do i get to slide too?
what the fuck happened there
this happened
roughly 1.5 hours
as do I
come on man 1.5 hours to drift and it’s legal?!? you went 5-6 hours and however much gas to walk around looking at show cars in pa! that’s bs for srs.
haha yeah I’m just joking, I drive my car as often as possible and will gladly burn uber amounts of gas. :clap
reg’ing as we speak…
EDIT: aaaaaaaaaaaaaan done :excited
see you all there, i’m not a n00b driver but i am a n00b to drifting, so i’d like as many tips and rides as i can get in other people’s cars and i’d love to have experienced people ride with me :thumb
you are more than welcome to ride along with me if we are in different groups, but I would highly recommend riding with wallace since he seems to know what he’s doing lol
bull shit i made two runs i suck! you sir made the front page of lvd website 4 times and had the most smoke of any of us at ais so you are the better one. kthxbye
Front page of the site you say? Who else made the front page, just curious?
this time im going. MAYBE particapating. idk…
EDIT: i get out of work at 7. have to beg for mercy to get out at 4ish. :lol
tandem drifts in the failmobiles.
At least yours is one shade of red. :lol
knee pads work wonders :lol
and jeff, i’ll only tandem drift in go karts, not real cars :facepalm :facepalm :lmao
i have some
Find me a Diff steve. Ill probably sell mine…
im probably lookiing for a J30 VLSD or Q45 with axles. all i have to do is swap covers…
OR i could just save time and money and have someone look at mine…
nah… lol
that was fun! to bad my friend chris over corrected and caused me you mack him, and others to get into a clusterfuck on turn 1
Dam noobs
:lmao. i came around the corner to see two carts sideways, i try to steer around but end up spinning out, so i’m facing the outside wall, look to my left and see cazwrFAIL coming at me to t-bone me at full speed :lmao
my hips/shoulders were sore for a good week or so haha. was worth it, though, that was a blast.