Massive explosion in Lebanon

i can’t understand why this is largely out of the news already…

the death count is laughable, i saw more than what they are reporting just by watching a half dozen videos and streams. this has to get into the thousands.

But Gwenyth Patron talking about her ex husband is more important!

Yeah, you see 15 buildings vaporize and they are like umm 30 people died. Yes 30.

It’s crazy that I have to scroll down VERY far on every news site to even come across a single article.

The videos are pretty terrible. It did not take long for the Clinton Memes to start.

I wonder if there is some other story out there that makes more money for the medial machine.

I believe this was from 2018 or something. I’m sure they fixed it.

I sure as hell hope this wasn’t stored like this. This is pathetic if so.
But back to my original comment, looks to be confiscated explosive material that was poorly handled for years. Ridiculous story on how it got there if it’s true.

Guy I work with who grew up in Rwanda keeps claiming this story being put out is not the real cause of this explosion. Insists it was something else because of the area and how the Lebanese are involved in all major conflicts of war in that area. Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just stored horribly and the story is true, but how the fire started would be the bigger question.


I know everyone loves to jump on the conspiracy theories, but this one seems like pretty cut and dry bureaucratic negligence.

It’s well documented the Russian shipping company just ran out of money and the ship got abandoned there with 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. The fertilizer was eventually moved off the ship into the port warehouse. Repeatedly the director of customs at the port fired off letters saying how dangerous this was, literally saying, “It’s a giant bomb” but nothing was done.

Then the inevitable happened. A fire, a smaller explosion, possibly from fireworks burning that you can clearly see going off in several of the videos, and eventually that relatively stable ammonium nitrate has enough energy pumped into it to go BOOM.

It’s not like this is unproven science either. There have been several industrial accidents where fire + ammonium nitrate resulted in a bomb. Not to mention the most famous ammonium nitrate explosion of all time, the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building by Pendelton, NY native Tim McVeigh.

Really good read on the how and the why, and what it takes to convert pretty stable fertilizer into a mushroom cloud…

I’m sure it was not an airstrike. Nor were the Clintons involved.

The chemistry checks out exactly as a good conspiracy requires :smiley:

i had read from peoples claiming to have some military experience with explosives that even in the state that it was in it could not explode to the degree that it did without some pretty willful catalyst.

obviously i dont know anything about this stuff but it does seem odd to me that any amount of fire could cause it to blow the way that it did.

Yeah, I mean, that amount of ammonium nitrate has never violently exploded without some massive catalyst before…

Oh wait, it totally has.

Fire, enclosed space, between 2k and 3k tons of ammonium nitrate… BOOM

And again, in TX. Ammonium nitrate, fire, BOOM.

But remember, this wasn’t just fire, there were supposedly fireworks as well so you already had explosions being created from that.

It looked like fireworks on one of the videos for sure, but I wonder if anything else could do that.

I don’t know the validity, but I saw something yesterday that said in order for that substance to not be stable and create an explosion like that, it would typically take the addition of another chemical.

A good point that was brought up was that this stuff sat for years and years and the humidity would end up turning it into bricks which would make an explosion much more concentrated.

Looks like the whole government just resigned

I saw this and was like “WAT?”

Well this wouldn’t bring out some PTSD or anything.

In reality probably one of the safest places to have a fire. Anything that could blow up already did, and you know the government wouldn’t dare put anything explosive back there right now.


Probe into what caused the explosion is now sparking gun fights/verge of civil war.