MLK Bash

now you’ve gone too far, I am reporting your false attendance to the admin coordinating the event. Mess with the bull you get the horns

It starts at 8 for those who have to work on Monday

Fuckin’ work!

hmm this sounds like fun

Ryan you had better stop by

wtf is a MLK party?

yea seriously wtf is this?

Probably the most offensive party theme idea ever.

so wait … offensive to white people or offensive to black people? i’m confused. if you’re celebrating MLK how is it offensive?

Tokyo Drift is on TNT.

I can’t be sure, I thought he dies on tomorrow’s date in history, apparently not.

You guys should have a party on April 4th for MLK’s death. That would be super offensive.

I think.

I’ve heard that joke about 10 times in the past 2 days.:down:down

I’ll be at the party sporting my James Earl Ray t-shirt.:up

OOOH that MLK, i wouldnt remember that day since i have to work so it makes no damn differince to me.

How was that a joke?

I honestly though tomorrow was the day he was assassinated/murdered/whathaveyou.

Get off my nuts little tikes.

he was born on the 15th and died on April 4th… MLK day celebrates his birthday.

on the 19th?

oh ok.

doesn’t make any sense right? i think they only celebrate it on monday so darkies don’t have to work… oh wait… i have the day off! lol

He was born on the 15h but they honor him on the monday closest to his birthday which would be this monday.

And its just a way to celebrate what a good american did for his people…his people are not as good as him but hey who am I to judge

ill be thurrrrr