holy shit that is awesome, i cant wait to see this!
Add this to the All that is MAN thread.
Bump. Opens Friday.
Instead of popcorn and soda theaters will be serving whiskey and live rabbits…
I lol’ed.
Has anyone noticed the captions in the preview?
“If testosterone mated with an explosion, they would create this film!” (Or something of that nature.)
No Chuck, no care.
… Stalone blows up youtube… but for some reason it doesn’t work for me. He pulls out a rocket launcher and it freezes :gotme:
Just when I didn’t think it could become more amazing, this gets posted up!!!
Click on the link… it is worth watching.
haha fantastic. This movie is probably gonna be worth seeing, if only for senseless explosions and neck-breakings.
im gonna go see this with some friends tonight…Jason Statham is in it so ive gotta go see it, but the rest of the cast should make this a fantastic action movie (or at least it better)
well, it was a good movie, but im only gonna see it once in the theaters and wait for it to come out on blu ray and then watch the shit out of it…i would have to say that if you are remotely interested in seeing it, do it, you wont be disappointed, but imo its only worth 1 theater viewing.
and yes, the male to female ratio was, well it was a sausage fest.
I thought the movie was awesome. Soundtrack was great, action was great even the dialogue was great.
Slammed like 6 redbulls before I went to see it,got out and ripped a PT cruiser’s hood clean off.It was entertaining:tup:
My balls actually dropped again after viewing this. I’ve been fighting off a beard that now starts just under my eyelids and ends at my calves. I think my girlfriend is pregnant just from sitting in the theater.
Hardfuckincore :tspry:
I’ll rent it.
It was awesome, the one liners were great!!! They were all true too which was the best part!
“What’s his problem?”
“He wants to be president.”