Motion to add :squint: & :tif:

whats tif???

tif??? there was a list of abbreviations that i didnt know so im bumping that thread…

hahahaha. I can’t believe that tif is still being used.

i cant beleive people dont even know what tif is :frowning:



+1 more for this one too.


Why the hell do we NOT have :squint: ?



[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:24,topic:23275"”]

hahahaha. I can’t believe that tif is still being used.


I remember when we created tif and tspry


I remember when we created tif and tspry



back when meets were cool

we need :heart: too


I remember when we created tif and tspry


and the internet, your old you would be so ashamed you drive an autotragic luxo boat :lol:



back when meets were cool


you mean back when there was never a night without at least 10 runs? Yeah those were the fucking days…

Funny coincidence, as I’m reading this currently, I’m listening to a song called “Memory.”

Summer of 2003…


you mean back when there was never a night without at least 10 runs? Yeah those were the fucking days…


and they were from a dig!

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:36,topic:23275"”]

and they were from a dig!


:roll2: no they weren’t

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:36,topic:23275"”]

and they were from a dig!


Good ol Firewhatever and LB

Bring back 2003!!!

fuck it I’m going to buy my old civic back, and restore it to 03 spec. which was :snky: :snky:


we need :heart: too


:heart: u