MY Clock won't Flush (3rd base flip night check in)

i was tired… or something… tommorrow its supposed to rain… check the weather… maybe we can do a third base to fishing trip… no sleep

oh wow… that would be such a long day… I haven’t done a 36 hour work day in a while…

I’ll take a nap and let you know tonight…

yeah, “fishing,” righttttttt

ill have to check the weather… it says rain ~3… however… im lookin at the doppler and im gonna bet its gonna rain before then

I hope you dont wear your grandpas golfing shorts and try to mac it with the ladies…

if you show up i’ll wear my ass less chaps for you… if you are really lucky i’ll go shirtless too :slight_smile:

LOL…your too much bro…come to prespa friday!

fishing, brokeback mountain style

jealous? we have room in the boat for one more…

j/k i want some alone time with dan, no offense

all he needs is his gay blazer/overcoat and the ladies will flock


probably will be bar crawling it down there on Friday, idk if prespa will be on the itinerary



that mean that your gonna be there tonight?



for me too


you need to get off the car forum and get to the bar to continue this thread, mister shit talker :slight_smile:

dude, youre still on NC time. bar is at 1230, not 1030

pretty much it got PACKED at like 1230

thanks for ruining my night… that girl woulda let me pee in her but til u touched my lips…fag…