My new ride!

Oooo bad memories :ohnoes
Hope you have more luck with this than I did with mine

Nicks like an Audi genius now if you haven’t noticed

Bad memories?

nicks the audi professor, son. you failed preschool i guess.

Nice, 2 Audis is a win in my book :lol

Such a nice/awesome beater too! :thumb

Thanks man. It’s getting a 500 shot too.

Nick are you going to the valley on the 13th???

If so…ITS ON!!! Till the break of DAWN!

Haha, I actually have to work unfortunatly :wtf. I did however get my 75 shot jets in the mail today ;D

Looks like the same car as the other one.

Subtle differences, but yes…that was the idea.


All about the xenon license plate bulbs :rofl

your daily vs my daily ;D

you would

Ha ha we are going to have to set up daily/beater battles. Im buying a zo6 as a dd/winter beater :ninja

Nice nick! Trade me for my civic because i want a damn audi!

Evo vs S4?.. the A4 would get you out of the hole hard, would be tough for the old 12valve VR6 to come back from that deficite

Yea Nick will launch the fuck out of the car your done E

i’m down. once i get my new turbo that is.

make both cars look identical, then no one will know when you take the fast one out.

Cmon Nick. Get the Dslr and lets see some good pics!