Every one I read that said her son played for the squirts made me laugh a little…
Every one I read that said her son played for the squirts made me laugh a little…
at least its not your old #
ugh. just think, #17 has some kid who is hating life bc his mom is a whore on a lame buffalo website
fuck, it may be lol. my number was 29 and shes wearing twenty something canst see the second number.
shes ruining the wings…fuck take that jersey off!!!
leave it on… or burn it with it on :gotme:
i’ll cross post this and help her out…
lol @ #17
This reminds me of that 97 rock contest someone else posted up. ugh…
#17… wow. Talk about the worst day of that kid’s life… next day at school?
vote cast for 27
voted for 27… but, damn, she’s still got only 2% and dumpster girl is beating her by a lot
For #16
I’ll vote again later.
so its contests like these stepping stones to doing internet porn?
yea, im in the 105th with her. ill be sure to make fun of her for that first pic.
voted…but 2% still. not going to help much.
Man, #24 is HIDDEOUS
the votes are helping… you can vote over and over you just need to delete browser history
and i’ll make sure to come in and have you push for me.
i’m sure i can find a reason