need laptop advice

If I were you, I would concentrate on GPU, HDD Size, Processor, RAM. In that order.

You will need a decent card to play back videos(depending on the size)
You will need a good amount of HDD space to store a lot of videos
Processor can’t be replaced, get a good one the first time
RAM is upgradable, but turn-key is always nice.

The rest is simply personal preference.

Oh, and for ILC, get a good warranty.

The rest is up to you to find. If you are considering an exact model, post up the info for speeders to review.

Thats funny…I must have done it 3 times only in my dreams! CPUs CAN be changed and it usually doesnt take longer than 30 minutes to an hour. When it comes to cpus, the only thing that matters (when looking for a core 2 duo for laptops) is the socket and chipset. Right now I think socket P and the intel PM45 or GM45 chipset are what you would be looking for in terms of best cpu support/ future proofing. It accepts all the 1066fsb chips up to the t9600, and even the x9100 and quad core chip.

I think what boardjnky was trying to say was GPU’s are not swappable as they are usually soldered in. So get the best GPU/screen combo available at the time. Also, for future upgradeability, whatever processor you get in your laptop, make sure it is for a socket P and has a 1066fsb. That means you can always upgrade it down the road. When a 2.2ghz chip isnt enough, buy a x9100 3.0ghz chip and put it in!

Then of course your standard stuff, ddr2 800 or ddr3 if avail, 7200 rpm at at least 250gb HD and 9600gt or better. Personally id get at least a 9800gs.

Its prob a bit more than you want to spend but its got the 1066 chip, blu ray, 7200rpm HD, a 9800GS, a 1680x1050 res screen and 4 gigs of ram. Its a x9100 away from being perfect.

about to go to sleep, i basically read all day, ill post some more when i get back from work tomorrow. thanks for input and tips so far guys :slight_smile:

Why would you ever waste time swapping processors in a laptop?

You can usually save alot of money doing it yourself. If you are a warranty freak, it may not be your cup of tea. One of the laptops I used to have came with a crappy 1.6ghz core 2 duo. Just for examples sake lets pretend the chip I wanted was 2.4ghz and on the Dell website it said, ADD $400 for this chip. Then I go out and buy it for $300, sell the other chip for $50 and save myself $150. Get it?

Same concept holds true for most any other component. On alienware website they charge a shitton for Ram. Something like add $200 for 4 gigs of ram which is just laughable. You can buy 4gigs for $60 now. Ram is much easier to change than a cpu, but if you treat computers like a hobby, as I do, it is all justified.

Why do some people need 600hp? They dont…its just fun.


You blow your warranty…

Have to take apart the entire laptop…

You’re still spending additional money…

What are you doing on a laptop that you see great benefits from upgrading the processor?

If you shopped around and waited you could most likely get a faster processor from a company and still retain a factory warranty.

I dont buy laptops new anyway so i dont give a fuck about warranty lol. Just because you dont know how to do it, doesnt mean its a terrible idea. I do this thing as a HOBBY. I upgrade, tweak benchmark, usually get sick of them and sell them. I have never had a computer over 6 months. Its outdated shit after that. I dont need longevity, but thanks for you’re opinion. I was just simply giving another outlook on PCs. I am well aware that some people, such as yourself, like to have a warranty and use your laptop for 3 years before getting another. Doesnt mean you are wrong. I just have different taste.

Im not going to try and change your mind about it, because something like this is all a matter of opinion. Some people like to mod/tweak, and some people just want peace of mind that a warranty offers. But if 2 years comes, his warranty is up, and suddenly he doesnt feel like his PC is fast enough, buying a new cpu can be worth it.

No offense, but you sound like my cousin. He is a “hobby” computer repairer/fixer guy on disability at 22 years old, sits at home all day tinkering.

He thinks he knows what he is doing, can get a few things done, but when he opens his mouth to spew nonsense you just want to punch him.

LZ and myself know a lot. I am shocked you even said “Just because you dont…” to him.

His point was that if you can save a whole whopping extra $150 on the high end processor who in their right mind would destroy a warranty on a laptop? It’s not the CPU that fails, it’s the motherboard and hard drive most of the time…


:lol: @ Just because I don’t…Yea my parents just got me my first computer for Christmas!

I fully understand upgrading/tweaking computers as a hobby…Most people don’t do this with laptops because of the heat issues and limitations on motherboards.

I understand your outlook it just doesn’t seem to make sense

buy $600 laptop throw in $300 processor.

For $900 I could get a laptop with comparable speed and a warranty…

On a counterpoint. You take an older laptop and put in a faster proc, you got yourself a better laptop for virtually nothing.

You guys are focused on only new products… which I understand is what the OP posted about but Djs may not be completely focused on.

So really, the whole point is I can pick up a used core 2 duo chip for like 20 bucks and have a mobo in the laptop that supports it and is slower, why not pop the new chip in for next to nothing?

That won’t happen…

What performance increase will you really see? And whats your chances of finding a laptop that happens to take the newer chip?

It’s not like HAI OMGZ I went from 2.0ghz -> 2.2ghz and now its stupid fast

Most normal people would see increase in performance by adding more ram and a quicker hard drive…over adding a slightly quicker processor.

Just trying to keep it on topic. Modifying an old laptop makes sense, I’ll agree with that :slight_smile: If a laptop comes with a T4200 now and two years down the road you say “God, this is slow as balls!” Upgrading to a P8600 will definitely improve performance. (Hypothetically. I did not do research before this statement and it may not even be feasible/allowable)

Take into account the cache, FSB and the MHz when looking at newer Core2Duo chips. They all see to be around the same MHz/GHz now, however, the cache and FSB make one act like a celeron and the other perform very well. I played with my dads cheapo laptop and then I got on a friends P9### laptop and it was night and day :slight_smile:

Come on guys. I wasnt talking about 2.0 to 2.2. Thats a waste of time and money. I mean like 2.0 to 2.8 or 3.0. Thats substantial. If you do any kind of gaming, and the game isnt gpu limited, you will notice an increase in frames.

I would never go out and buy a brand new laptop and throw a chip in it. But I would buy a refurb or something used w/o a warranty and put a better chip in it. I dont go out looking to ruin shit. And thanks for the comparison to a 22 year old on disability. Punching somebody because they know more than you is rational!

As far as finding a laptop that takes a newer chip, youll notice ive already pointed that out in my first post in this thread. I specifially told the OP if he is looking for a laptop that will offer future upgradeability, look for a socket P on intel gm45 or pm45 chipset. Ive done this enough to know what Im talking about, whether you agree or not.

With that being said, getting back on topic. For the OP, the best thing he should look for is GPU, CPU, Screen…rest, in that order (I changed the order around a little to make it more reasonable for somebody in the OPs situation). Reason I say GPU before CPU is once again because a CPU can be changed IF HE WANTS TO.

Not sure how many more times Im going to have to outline this. Maybe I just wasnt clear the first time. I know those of you that are obsessed with warrantys are going to continue to say, BUT DJ YOU GONNA RUIN IT! Hence why ive said, dont buy a new one just to hack it. Used or refurb. Just leave yourself future options by being smart in your initial purchase. When I was talking about checking the Dell website or other Mfc website to compare prices, I was talking still about something used, although I didnt make mention of it.

Also, for those worried about making more heat by switching to faster processors, thats only true assuming every other condition is the same. When you swap chips, doing it the right way would include removing that TIM that was on there before and replace it with something better like MX2. Your temps should not increase much at all. Might even go down some by using the better themal grease.

oo, nice little debate here while I was gone at work today lol. In regards to tweaking anything at all, I have my desktop for that. My laptop, I simply want some good power for a relatively cheap price. from what I’ve seen so far, I should be able to find something with at least a pentium t6400 or higher, gforce 9600gs or higher, 4gb ram, and at least a 15-16" screen. Like I said, just need something to play some games on, watch movies and shit. I have my desktop for most my gaming, so I dont need to get a top of the line desktop replacement type laptop with crazy shit in it.

I’m having some serious thoughts into just spending an extra 300-500 bucks and getting something a bit better.

By post #54 it sounds like you’ve learned quite a bit already :slight_smile:

What does this 300-500 difference get you over the $800 options? Post up stats… I’m curious :smiley:

MSI Laptop Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 4GB Memory 320GB HDD NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT 15.4" Windows Vista Home Premium GX620-001US - is 900 bucks, probably one of the most powerful ones for the price that i was able to find.

has p8400 @2.26ghz, 4gb ram, 9600gt with 512mb, 320gb hd (unsure whether 5400 or 7200), 15’4" screen

for 300 more, adds a bit more power.

t9400 @2.53ghz, 4gb ram, 9600gt with 1gb, 320gb 7200rpm, and a whopping 18’4" screen

although looking more at the 2nd one there, im seeing some things i dont like in the reviews.

found for 1100.

p8400 @2.26ghz, 4gb ram, 9800gs with 1gb (ranks very high for laptop gpu’s), 320gb 7200rpm, 15.4" screen

EDIT: i really like this one. seems like a pretty solid laptop.

I’ve actually bought and used an 18.4" laptop. The new HDX18T. It’s MASSIVE and not a laptop you can even comfortably use on your lap, sitting on the couch, watching TV.

Keep that in mind. But YES, it does kick ass :slight_smile: Very powerful, gaming laptop for sure, and a nice screen to boot!

Besides that, you’re definitely on the right track.

And stop worrying about 5400 vs 7200. Both will be sufficient for you. Go do a google search on benchmarks for laptop 5400 vs 7200 and it’s minimal. :slight_smile:

what is your take on the 1100 dollar one?

and yea i know the difference isnt too much between 5400 and 7200. id just like a 7200 if possible.