Need Real Finance Advice?

420 bucks per window, i hope they are some big windows LOL construction aint my thing but i got skills and shit i woulda came to your house with tools myself and done it for 300 something per window and been a happy mofo !

i think someone who can continue living the lifestyle they had with income for 6 months…without income and rely soley on the money they have saved… than i think that was called wealthy somewhere…


there is things we all dont want, and things we rather not tolerate like being woken up in the middle of the night, but you got to suck it up for a few years, do the work to reap the rewards of a peaceful nights sleep and get that pea from out the underside of your mattress

  • 1 talk isnt cheap …its free and everyone and anyone will give advice…but take a step back before you take that advice and ask yourself …if that person is giving the advice from a place where you want to be financially and whatever… which is exactly why i guess you shouldnt take my advice LOL !