Need Real Finance Advice?


Good thing that’s only your opinion lol.

I could recommend only one, because that’s all I’ve used, but he’s the man (IMO). He calls me every single day to let me know how things are going, he owns an unmanned weapons company so he’s helping my get the 98B and some other stuff (optics, ammo, etc…) and he’s effin funny.

If you’re dealing with a little bit of money, that’s perfectly fine. I would recommend against doing it with a larger sum.

I have a lot of money in a lot of places. Mutual funds, bonds, stocks, etc…
I have some set aside in just a normal savings account, and I have a little bit in a checking account.

The younger you are, the more risk you should take (just my opinion) because you have your whole life to get anything back. The higher risk, the higher return (and losses for the glass 1/2 empty type of guys) is generally the case, but you should also research any investment opportunity as much as possible before you dive into anything. As some can tell you, I talked about it almost night and day on what to do, and a few people were very helpful with any decisions I’ve made. Jesse Clark knows his shit about the subject, as does Jammer and a couple others on the forum. I’m still a newb in it all because I have someone who does a lot of it for me, but teaches me things along the way.