Need Real Finance Advice?

I might have overpaid, but whats done is done, its not like I can tell him to take them back out…


I plan on putting no more money into this place… ever…

i hear you there. i just always feel like shit when i overpay for something. i was pissed when i saw my neighbors invoice for the $250 a window that he paid $150 for. The dickhead.

oh shit man! That sucks!

if I had to guess the guy paid 210 per window, then doubled that for installation…

oh well…

It makes me sick if I think about it… so I dont think about it…


If you take classes for it I don’t see why not, unless you are earning and spending the monetary values of a large company.

I do all this type of work on the side

do you want to build new stairs for the front of my house? haha

Can I go up/down them on your old bike afterwords? :tongue

you can use the old ones as a jump…


Back on topic here, what are people doing with savings?

Savings Account? CDs? Mutual Funds? Index Funds? Piggy Bank?

or is it more like:

Savings? WTF is THAT!?@#@ But peep mah ride tho!! ($oN!!)

I keep my savings in a normal savings account, plus I have some in my 401K. I like to keep my assets as liquid as possible, but its difficult because I barely have the discipline to not spend it all on stupid crap.

I need to start some type of CD I think…

I dont have a lot either, maybe enough to live for 6 months if I lost my job or something…

lol I am actually starting a job next week building redoing stairs in Rotterdam


that cracked me up.

Six month cushion is great… I’ve read that if you have a 3-6 month “emergency fund” set aside, that’s a good thing.

You can use that instead of taking out loans / racking up CC bills to deal with an emergency situation (something big breaks on car / house)

As for discipline, well I hear ya man but if you have discipline to put aside 6 months worth of living expenses I’m sure you know when an expense is a MUST and when it’s not.

HOWEVER if you are a hobo in the 518 area (who stole internet access and joined Shift) and $200 represents 6 months worth of living expenses ignore the above sentence… :lol


I wish I could live for 6 months on 200 dollars. I’ll burn through that spending one day on the lake with the boat.

This would be 6 months supporting my family of 4. I’m the only income in the household.

Similar situation here, four in my house, soon to be five… Single income.

we drew the line at 4 (4 total, 2 kids), I made that shit permanent… haha…:thumbup

My wife went back to school to get another degree, she has 3 more semesters and then we’ll have two incomes again. Then maybe I can convince her we really need a boat with two engines…

My situation is a bit different… One kid, and my brother is also staying with us in the meantime 'cause he is a full time college student and can work only limited hours for now. One on the way though. :thumb

Man i really wish the best for everybody