jesus… everyone already knows that meat spin site…
yes, but it fit perfectly with the thread.
i have a couple of other intermediate steps i am going to pursue before escalating it to the police. i will post updates when available. :tup:
ahhh my first phone ever!! it was on cingular though. haha ahhhh the good ol’ days.
That phone was the shit. That was my 2nd ever, on Cellular One, behind this beauty.
This was my first personal phone. My dad let me use his zack morris phone before this, but this was the first one I got when I was 15. God it sucked.
EDIT: This picture doesn’t illustrate that it is like 4 inches thick!
+1 good memories
i just got fired!
taken care of… tsk tsk
back to random ramblings
lol she “skiped” it
oh yea bump it up
true story
you my sir are a fucking idiot! i have at&t and have found better service in places that verizon sucks. tell your gf to get a new sim chip. there is a possibility that her sim chip is fucked up and thats why shes getting shitty service.
try taking your cricket piece of shit phone to somewhere other than highly populated areas.
for instance my place in rushford, i get great service with AT&T in my cottage and in my friends cottage, but they use verizon and have to walk down to there dock just to make a call or text or what ever.
and to everything else on this thread, fucking funny as hell. i had a great time reading all the shit in this thread
phhhhhtttt… no startac no care
so whats the word on this today? anyone get any text messages from this guy today? anyone mess with the guy about the xbox today? find out who he is?
Would someone call him already and say they are Timewarner and want to confirm his address…or something…
I couldn’t afford the startac in 9th grade
I hate this thread now.
the cell phones fucked this up … it should have been locked when i asked
The one I posted was the original startac. I did get upgraded to that phone after a while, and I thought it was the coolest thing!
Well, I guess back then being one of like 3 people in a whole school with phones may actually have been semi cool. I still didn’t wear it on my belt, I left it in the cradle in the car.
The phone in the dock had speakerphone capability (a speaker mounted under the dash) and it had this mounted next to the seat that it could communicate with.
My parents gave me lots of cool shit when i was younger.
I should bring it in, to see if they can still activate it. Win.