New from ROC

nice :tup:


hey stranger
nice pic, I always wonderd if you have stock tailights.
need more nightshades on the corners:)

Blackuus6 , that’s a lot of boost !!! (obviously I am joking) lol , n2o rules !!! I want to see a rematch now that emery is runnin faster and you are also runnin faster after what we just figured out today .

Yea thats fine, but theres some other people on my “list” now to. I like emery, one of the only people that has some respect for someone elses car that might be fast. Some people think my car “shouldnt be able to hang” with theirs…:rolljerk:

welcome to the forum. I’m sure i’ll hate on your dumb f-bod at some point, so don’t take it personally.

Nice looking T/A

:tup: nice to see ya here, gotta come up to mighty here sometime :gotme:

Yea ill be there sometime this summer hopefully…


:tup: nice car