New Member ... kbizz911

purple starfish?

somebody post pics! then we can get her on a lazy susan, spin her around and all have a turn :lol i call shotgun anus!


KBIZZ911: Since I am in a loving relationship right now, would you consider giving me a Dutch Rudder? The way I see it, your only moving my arm, so it isnt considered cheating.

thanks for your time

this thread fuckin sucks a big one with no pics

post pics or lock 1
Uploaded with

let the shit talking begin. i hope ur ready for the pm’s kbizz

How old is she again?




Ugly, like white dog shit.

She looks pregnant :rofl

you look pregnant…

Shady making preggo jokes… LOLZ

That girl is not bad looking, course shift only dates supermodels.



Agreed, EVERYONE on the internet only dates/fucks 10’s:retardclap


careful he might go all confucious wisdom on ya

Hey, I have a right too… Thats about what the wifey looked like at a few months, stuck out just a tiny bit in the uterus area

would gag her with my dick til she vomits on my crotch.