newbie again..

and you are calling me illiterate? should have googled a spell check while you were searching for oxymorons…

Beer,laptop and small keys>U

+1 for the effort

No…+1 for the american ecomy i helped out for buying an “american” car,not no jap car…ur time is done here in this section,please move to either E-Fighting or the Import section please:love: :lockd:

sweet Grand Prix…maybe i should have bought a Bonneville so we could “hang”.

Ya…ur weak…now go to e-fighting so i don’t get banned tearing u a new asshole


PUD I want YOU in E-fighting, now!! or cant you afford the 15doallrs PUD.

1320 dont you have an old car of cheeks that you sold him to came buy back, I dont care if you are 4x my size, a kick in the nuts is a kick in the nuts my friend… unless the roids have made yours tiny :dunno:


Double D…make sure you look some of us up when your here.