newman is so cool...

when dont you…

oh shut it

hahaha at butch’s avatar!!

Holy shit Butch! is that a real Skunk Ape!!! :lol:


Butch wins for best avatar!

this is not an avatar thread AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Someone else created it. No credit due here…

didn’t jon make it?

who cares who made it, it’s hilarious!!!1! YOU LOSE!

did anyone see the pic of skunk on my myspace :snky:

possssttttt itttttttt

Ladies and Gentelmen, I present to you my good friend, Derek Zoolander

im posting this on teck for all to see

ahahahahah link

oh WTF!!!1

i look retarded.

i’ll kill you

this thread is hilarious

im gonna let the teck thread build up first then ill post the link lol

i’ll seriously kill you

lol, skunk, my cousin has those sunglasses too.

She looks good in them.

HAHAHAHA, I was just going to say, soooo tempted to post this…