Night crew what? - Insomniac roll call!


I can’t believe I lost the bid on the house this weekend. I mean 5k over asking isn’t good enough in this market? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!

Remember this? I think it was from HH…

The rest would make this thread NSFW and I look like a 14 year old retard in this… Oh lawds. I miss that house.

Is that the broad that we got into the shower then she started getting all annoying and i said i wouldn’t fuck her anyhow or something? I remember that broad but not the rest of the night. FUCK!

LOL at the parties we used to have though.

She slapped me because I wouldn’t touch her after her lesbo shower scene video with her friend at like 6 am. Thank god I had a little bit of reasoning left that night. My penis is grateful too. EEK.

So, YES. It was her. Nut job. HH at it’s best, she tried everyone in the house.

Ugh she was so NOT attractive. GOOD TIMES.

Now i remember! I left the shower scene cause she was being so annoying! im just glad i didnt slam it.

I was organizing old pics and wanted to send you these (I completely forgot about that night).

I was laughing so hard. Thank god you didn’t either… You would be on Hdate for sure.


Un-qoute me so I can take some info out?


Edit _ Never mind, fuck it.


I gave up my account. :meh:

Fuck night crew. Out.

Lambda server…join back up :wink:

Anyone else feelings the pre-spring break burn? because my eyes sure fucking do

I will be up all night. :frowning:

I swear I used to not suck at school.

I hear ya meng, Its amazing how much more productive I become in these late hours though. Why can’t I be like this during the day :frowning:

Yea I am the same way. It is like I don’t even consider being productive before midnight sometimes. Although my sleep schedule is wack I usually work 6am-6pm then sleep 7pm-12am and get up. I fail at sleeping like normal people.

graduate wednesday next week. weeee.

WTF kind of term is that? Im going to be in school forever. Looks like I will have undergrad finished up a year from May. However I am set on going to graduate school at this time. Nothing like the 6 year BA plan! At least i was working full time I guess thats a fairly decent excuse. :frowning:

When you go to one of the worst schools in history, there are no rules.

LOL where do you go to school? I need to go there!

Sign me up as well