Night crew what? - Insomniac roll call!

Its a little late (early) but i have far surpassed the 24 hour mark. Anyone else feeling the burn as the semester comes to a close?

I will be soon!

FUCK YEA SEAKING. 15 hours worth of doing labs now time to study for exam at 9:45. only 2 more weeks (then classes through june, fml)

I wouldn’t say it’s actually… insomniac time… maybe 4am

fbrendan is drunk, up, and trolling the internet. Ahhh, like the old days…


2AM… about to go to bed, as usual. Need to get up at 6AM, as usual. less than 4 hours of sleep a night FTL. You do not want to be around me by the end of the week.

ttyl, night

still hur, Gus i posted since I knew I was not going anywhere for a while

Didn’t wanna be up this late, but ended up coming in 4th of 450 or so in a poker tournament that i only entered for temporary entertainment…wasn’t planning on taking it seriously/doing well. Oh well…made some money to stay awake a bit…no complaints here.

buffalo creek casino is empty… sooo bored at work



Capen. You know it.

Keep it up, only two more weeks!

2 more weeks? f that! I’m done completely on Thursday.

Here’s my shitlist:
Chem exam at 8am today
Presentation for my windmill design at 6pm
Systems analysis exam tomorrow
Lab report due tomorrow
Design Report due thursday.

Plus I have to prepare for my all day interview at Moog for Wednesday. Who needs sleep?

How many exams do you have? And where do you go?

SUNY BPORT baby. I’ve actually got the bulk of my stuff done (see post 488 as my 2 day non-sleeping binge was for getting chem labs done)

Toxicology presentation today
Finish restoration power point tuesday, and prepare that presentation + paper for Wednesday (its a group one at least)
10 page research paper due thursday in Climotology
Misc. Chem shit due friday (extra credit essay, monster hw, “Quest” or “Tuiz” in class

Break for weekend, 2 exams during the week, then start summer classes till the end of June!

fucking bump it now, im not going anywhere fast

Some cunt slice mechanical student came in to Bell tonight drunk and pissed off his group for some project. It was entertaining until they started bickering like little girls.

and thats a wrap. I will no longer be bumping this untill next semester. Untill then, goodfight goodnight

night crew checking in …F*ck I can not sleep aaaaaaaaaa