now this is a turbo

Probes didn’t have turbos, those were metalic blow-dryers.

i just turned into a LOLASAURUS REX

holy jesus

i dont think they make a GT45R. from what i know the 45 only comes in non ball bearing.


good lord that thing is big. Spray to spool fo sho

that’s not a turbo. this is a turbo…

42r is hot but tough for the streets

That turbo is not for a “friend”, it’s yours you lying sack!!! You never sold your MR2 either. You’ve been found out, beyotch!!!


Nope, got rid of it. I went Fbod.

The probe didnt evn have hampster power, it had field mouse power.


i wish i still had a fast car…im going to post the hat pics when i get back from va beach at the end of the month, and i’ll show the monster in a RED engine bay…lol…

Whatever Sean… Confirmed by multiple people that your MR2 is getting a nice engine swap…

Oh I mean, you don’t have a fast car, what was I talking about… :rolljerk:

ohhh sit

saen you lied to me :eek:

or did you :snky:

i can honestly and with a straight face tell you that i do not have a fast car nor am i getting an engine swap nor will i in any way other than a hat be using this turbo…i think your sources have lied to you :lolham: