Now's the Time to Buy a New Evo


I like how everyone forces themselves to like these…

“theyre growing on me”
“eh, i like it a little more every day”
“the more I see it the more I like it”

Don’t stretch to like it because its an evo. Like it or dont…fggts.

Insurance is 770/mo for 6 months. 550 for payment plus 128 insurance plus call it 200/mo for gas. 878/mo. Gotta buy snows right away say 800 for 18s there goes the nothing out of pocket plus money for mods down the line. Ehhhh :tif:

I HATE Evo’s.

But I like the new one. shrug

Thats if you get every option possible on the MR. But I agree, I don’t think I could ever pay $42K for an economy car with a nice engine/awd set up.

Not if you take the 0%apr. You either take the financing at 0% or try and haggle the price but a higher interest rate.

i’m sure if you were serious about buying one you could get 0% plus at least a grand off msrp, probably more than that though. 0% means they’re not selling like they want them to.

+1. Dealerships I can imagine are not selling vehicles like hot cakes. I was just able to get 4k of MSRP because of this reason.

Wow, i actually like this

But it’s still ugly.

depends on the dealerships
when the new evo came out i was considering selling mine and buying a new one
they wouldn’t give me a cent of sticker
they think the evos are so superior and deserve every bit paid for it

I am sure they are rethinking that plan seeing the state of the economy at the moment and the lack of sales they are probably experiencing since everyone is trying to conserve.

The 42k evo was a GSR optioned with everything that SHOULD be standard equipment.

The MR fully optioned out is 49k.


so was charging 40,000 for a supra when they were new. it’s a toyota for fucks sake.

I’m pretty sure they broke 50k at one point,

and if there is no room for wiggle with 0%,

you save the interest the old fashioned way,

PAY CASH, negotiate the total price, not the monthly payment, then tell them to shove that payment shit up there ass.

I was looking at this today and figuring out the pricing…:eek:

with SSS and navi its $38K msrp. Invoice is around $34K. I think its too high, unless your looking at just a base GSR model. If your looking for one, now is the time, cause the last time they ran 0% for 60 mo.was over 3 years ago when I bought my evo :wink:

They are going to outprice themselves… along with the new Sti imho.


yep… at 50k a brand new m3 can be had for high 50’s low 60’s if you know how to shop…

Apples and oranges.

Yeah, I was thinking of seeing about ditching the GTO and getting a new Evo as a year round DD and the 0% is HUGE. I nearly fainted when I saw how much it was

09 wrx ftw. cheaper and 270 something hp. use the money u save for mods. done-

Yes, one tastes better than the other.

And it happens to be german.

:grouphug: :wink: