Official Duffs Meet Thread (monday's)

I am the winnar! 250 bucks to me suckers, oh and you guys left too soon, I really was going to buy the table a drink

Anyone catch the bike vs car accident??


I am the winnar! 250 bucks to me suckers, oh and you guys left too soon, I really was going to buy the table a drink


Yeah me and pat forgot to have you buy us drinks lol.

Pat pulled your ticket :lol:

i was right there when they smacked together


i was right there when they smacked together


pics? story?

a old white car pulled right out in front of a harley coming out of the car show. the harley slammed into the side of the car and rickecheyed about 40ft sliding on his side. oddly there was no kboom or slam i was just a visual accident. The driver got out of the car got out like nothing was wrong and the motorcycleist got up immediatly and slammed down his helmet and started throwing up his arms he looked pissed thats about it lol

Real story:

Both vehicles were making left hand turns. The car was pulling out of the bank parking lot across from Duffs and the Bike was pulling out from the street beside Duffs. I heard the guy on the bike first and stood up to watch because even before he pulled out into the street he was revving like a madman and I wanted to watch him take off. Well, as I stand up I notice the car pull into the street and at the same time the guy on the bike guns it to show off how loud his pipes are. In my opinion he failed to notice a 3000lb car making a left from the other side and when the driver of the car saw the biker coming towards him he slammed on the brake. It was too late for the biker to stop bc he was already going so fast so he just t-boned the rear end of the car. The biker went over the handlebars and ate concrete. Jumped back up and started bitching. IMO it was all his failt for acting like a jackass. serves him right getting his bike cracked up but I’m glad he didnt look too hurt. I feel the car had the right of way because it was in the steet before the bike. Just stupidity…

What was with these retards hanging out at the corner calling everybody “homos”?

They were hanging off that truck like a bunch of 3rd world refugees. They also looked kinda poor IDK…:gotme:


Real story:…


“loud pipes save lives” :mamoru:

ya thos fag on tat truck were being loud and annoying

yea cause u had no balls if u didnt do burnouts…I got called SE-R boy…they own a Sonoma

Maxima, did you park in the back and is your SE-R Black?

i was on the grass and its blue


i was on the grass and its blue


I never saw you or your car last night…where were you?


I never saw you or your car last night…where were you?


when u first pull in by the girl handing out the numbers with coupon things…immediately to the left kinda in the corner…i was next to my dads Galaxie and my brothers Miata


a old white car pulled right out in front of a harley coming out of the car show. the harley slammed into the side of the car and rickecheyed about 40ft sliding on his side. oddly there was no kboom or slam i was just a visual accident. The driver got out of the car got out like nothing was wrong and the motorcycleist got up immediatly and slammed down his helmet and started throwing up his arms he looked pissed thats about it lol


are you kidding it was a dark blue duster…how do you fuck that up. its not even close to white.

Our club has 3 SE-R’s at one time… You got some nice tires… any engine work?

just a header right now…catback will be going on next week…then i need to install my suspension…but over the winter I am going to get teh balance shaft removal kit…TB and IM spacers and hopefully with a decent tax return JWT cams…maybe they will ahve the ECUs figured out by then too

Did anyone here get interviewed by the news about the Sabres?
Some bleach blonde lady in an 80s IROC got interviewed.:biglaugh:

yeea they were asking season ticket holders their thoughts