lol… so who has the most views?
lol. as of right now i have 13,018. But i have been on for 9 months with this acoount… so, yeah. and i only add people i have met in person.
Ive only been on it for like a week. I met you in person, I told you to put type r badges on your lotus.
EDIT: Profile Views:
OMG, i added you.
and it’s def getting a celica GT-s badge… rofl.
Fuck yeah. GT-s FTW (For the win, if your wondering)
I need more friends…ADD ME, ADD ME, u fuckers…:violin2:
lol you really are a whore
We need sluts on this forum. Im tired of these girls with morals.
well Thank YOU…
2 requests so far…damn im the shit…lol…
where’s JUAN? I want him…:mamoru:
For the love of God stop asking me to be your friend
howie…everyone wants to be your friend…
damn, newman has me beat on profile views :lol:
i have 9,964
i’m such a loser…i only have 1171 views
I only have 65 now…
i have 14,545 Views, and have been on myspace for about a year.