Official What Did You Get Thread

the only thing i got for christmas was a vehicle i purchased for myself for being a good boy this year, oh and a pair of nikes i also bought for myself.

oh i got a belt from my mom, cause i told her 9 months ago i needed a belt. but i had already bought one:smash2: so that kind of sucks.

i got my
mom:$100 gift certificate to Godiva chocolate@ the mall(shes a chocoholic)
dad: the Last Waltz on DVD and CD, the Allman Brother’s greatest hits, some zeppelin/dead live sets(but i burned those)

i hate christmas because all people care about is what they got. we’re a greedy society and it kind of sickens me sometimes. especially going to the places where its most evident, such as the mall.

im THANKFUL AND GRATEFUL i had the opportunity to spend this holiday with my family and see some friends whom i hadnt seen in a long time. and eat a home cooked dinner and not have to wake up before noon and not have to go to bed cause i had to get up in the morning. NOT because i “got” things.