Olympic Poll*2012 Hot Olympians*

respoots willy

+1 for spelling difficulty.

-1 for having to google the spelling

-1 more for having to google the name of a move on the high bar.

God, I love the Olympics.

LOL. :prison:

you’re doin it wrong.

-1 manliness for knowing how to spell it

-1 manliness for knowing anything about the high bar; unless of course you’re talking high steel work, which is inherently +2 manliness.

wow, apparently i have company in my choice. :angryhump:

they all have nice asses… I’ll bang them all

my heart is still with dominique Moceaneu


I’ll show them MY floor routine, if you catch my drift!

They can balance on my beam, if you know what I’m sayin!


This is why we can’t have nice things?

voted, looks like its pretty clear cut, in for the gangbang? :lol:

for the sake of the thread i voted blanchard, but this thread needs more misty may


bush must be gay.


Shotgun on the child!

MISTY MAY will be spat out the bottom of the porn industry in 5 years.

you can quote me on that.


I remember having a thing for her back in Barcelona IIRC.


she does porn? or your just saying she will.


no thanks to misty may… that ass is out of control, she needs to tighten it up!

I would rather bang walsh

too bad she didn’t age well :frowning: I wish I could have kept her in my closest and malnourished her like a bonzai tree. So she would stay just the way she was…