One Big Hog...

The article said they were going to use it to make 500-700lbs of sausage. Which by my calculations, is roughly how much meat you take in the ass on any given weekend.

:eek: :eek: oh snap

are you calculating your .25 lb dick, 2000 - 2800 times… or have you grossly overestimated yet again?

more pics

:weaksauce: x eleventy billion.

Thats incredible! But what makes me laugh is the fact that they made food out of it! haha “We’ve got sausage” says the little puggy boy

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

someone PM SleeperGTP and tell him that hog used to date a Pittspeed member and we can make bets on how long it takes him to try and fuck it.

It’s a perspective thing, it’s not really that big the kid is standing back beside the tree and the boar is closer to the camera.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What the fuck is your fucking problem you fat ass bitch. You fucking killed a fucking innocent little pig. Does it make your fat ass feel good to kill such an innocent creature. Wow congratufuckinglations you fat ass fucking cunt. I hope the boars babies come back alive and eat your sausage link penis you, fat piece of shit. Fucking fat redneck. I hope demons come and haunt your fat ass for the rest of your life. Do you think your hot shit for this bitch? Well your not fat ass. Burn in hell you rotten piece of shit. FUCK YOU!!! FUCKING FAT ASS REDNECK PIECE OF SHIT!!!

DO NOT BE FOOLED!!! pigs are dangerous filthy animals and can attack and even mame or kill people especially one thats size…i know

He shot it 8 times. sounds like a joke to me… Just use a 50cal rifle or 300 mag rifle and do the job right on 1-2 shots. I mean seriously use a heavy bullet no joke charge and be done with it. not 150gran BS. shit aim for the head if you miss a 54 inch target you don’t deserve to kill it

mmmmmm bacon

ya, you’d be shiting your pants on that shot wondering if he was going to go down!

huh…I dont care it is a hog and a shot to the head with a 300 is puttin it on the gound with a 250 gran ball…I mean you load the shell not some store bought garbage.

Capacity for that gun is 5 rounds, little guy had time to reload too.