Partys and shit

second thought, fuck that:rofl

Let me shower and get ready since I have been working on the HUSQVARNA all day. I’ll shoot you a text when I am done masturbating in the shower

I mean… :ninja

thread is filled with homos

house is soon to be filled with homos:rofl

im throwin on the BOAT SHOES and leaving RIGHT NOW


scooping a few 40’s and heading down

40s are for broke faggots

He drives a subaru what else do you expect from him


How was the partay?

my neck hurts

:rofl atleast you didn’t get the KO like dkid from Brett :rofl

yeah dkid is a woman

the new a/c was workin FLAWLESSLY.



Post the pics PETE

i hit up an awesome party last night, long time since i been to a legit party, got smashed with a bunch of chicks OF AGE LOL

and broke my phone again, the diamond, that i just got on thursday, its broke now


pickin up a blackberry in the morning

Haha I had fun when i dropped by Kevin’s lastnight. Murdogg’s a good kid, i deff had fun. Joey had me DYING laughing when he turned on the video of a k20 civic on the dyno on Murdoggs computer. He turned the surrond sound on full blast!!! I think people on Madison heard it. lmao

hey hey hey… dont worry about that