People working in local electronics me a favor?

sorry about the edits lol, I had a lot to say. I’m not some mac fanboiiii, I just think “right tool for the right job” and I see you moving up in the DJ world, and I see these big-name guys who I highly respect ALL going Mac, and I figure, hmmm, this can’t be just some marketing gimmick, these guys CAREERS depend on each night, if a computer let them down, there’d be hell to pay with fans, clubs, reviews, etc.

BTW, play with “Expose” some time, you are by NO MEANS limited to a single application on the mac at a given time, that’s a very “System 7” way of thinking :wink: Most people’s experience with Apple Computer is limited to the BS old broken garbage in middle-school libraries and the like… things have come a LONG way. Hell, just last night I installed XP on my Mac Pro and loaded up 3Dmark05 and with STOCK apple/ATI drivers and no tweaks and a few apps running in the background laid down a smoking 10760 :wink: That’s the beauty of the new intel macs, you can run osx OR windows, either natively (reboot w/ a program called BootCamp) or emulated, with Parallels, basically like VirtualPC. You need a windows-based DJ app AND a mac one? no problem, you can do it at the same time :smiley: