pics from hooters

lol what a great time. i was a little upset when justin blew my asshole out though:mad:

ok enough of pics from hooters…
i wanna see pics of hooters…

:slight_smile: That’s why I clicked the link hoping there would be some posted up by now.

def fun time last night at hooters
think they will let us back next year?


:rofl: each year we’ve gotten progressivly worse


Ya, i think we might of pissed em off this year,esp pooter n his big drunk mouth:D


if some dam kids wouldnt fiuck with me,my mouth wouldnt be loud!

Hell that was some good entertainment,:rofl: we just want to know when the next one is. Hopefully it will be close to us “rednecks” so we can come again…

Name it,i’ll come up and toss the cornhole sacks around and play some pin the tail on the sheep and so fourth:kekegay:

LOL…i wish i would have went now:bash: :bash:

me at cornhole > *

Ya great time when that happens and it embarrasses PITTSPEED in a public place over nonsense esp when consuming alcohol and so fourth:drama: :down:

damn Im missin all this fun…well less than 30 days left on house arrest

:bowrofl: :beer: :nono:

is that to me?

It was a good evening. I didn’t even have any mud butt. :slight_smile: