Pics from LVD 8/26

Yeah I know, I’m trying to use nothing but Full Manual so I can get better at taking pics

Ford Colt? Seriously?

Nah, not closeeee


Yes and that’s Raif’s AWD Talon…he let off at like, before the 1000ft mark and ran a 10.87…I think it’s gone 8.8x or something stupid before.



Fuck you!, who ever was on my sn last night…:rofl
haha, Trapped 117.5 on 16psi (missing 2nd gear and sputtering the top of third like a champ)


haha dude who the fuck did that?..had to be sean

thanks for the pics joey they came out great, now if i only i could get a good burnout…

Lol was that wasnt me. Had to be Pete or Joey

i wasnt postin shit.

Lies pete lies

no not lies

It was Kramer. I seen him in the corner on the laptop all night long.


def. Kramer

9.50’s. the one near solid run they made he went 6.60 @ 124 in the 1/8th mile. on the setup now, no nitrous it should be a 9.30-9.40 mid/high 150s right now.

and shady. your quote/edit is a fail too.


Yesa Massa, I truely sorry massa I wont do it again

yup, almost humorous

you are dense

Had to be Adam.

No problem man
