Picture of Dawn - forget the poll.

thats hot. chicks wanting nudes of other chicks


well i gotta see what she has on me!

lol. good excuse. i’ll let it slide this time

dont be worried, think of what a chick that is proud of driving a monte carlo looks like


well i gotta see what she looks like, so i can imagine her on top of me!


*fixed dawny


http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/image.php?u=120&dateline=1174355772&type=profile VS. http://photos-346.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v59/50/104/510432346/n510432346_14071_5577.jpg


its close

yeah it is.

But when you toss in taste in cars it’s not even close.

the mans got a point

Seriously I mean what kind of person likes Monte Carlos, boxy 80s domestics, or station… wagons… fuck.

I hope thats a cold sore.

it’s a lip piercing.

a lip piercing that looks like a cold sore… :tif:

it’s a stud… you can see the little ball.

i don’t have any sort of herpes. kthnx.

ew herpes.

god im so fucking bored. sucks this is my ONLY entertainment at the moment


ew herpes.

god im so fucking bored. sucks this is my ONLY entertainment at the moment


1.) shoot out mass text to every girl in ur phone book youve hooked up with
2.) Wait for drunken reply
3.) Turn drunken reply into rusty trombone


1.) shoot out mass text to every girl in ur phone book youve hooked up with
2.) Wait for drunken reply
3.) Turn drunken reply into rusty trombone


lol too bad i either

  1. dont wanna talk to the chick i hooked up with
  2. was glad i hooked up with them before the rest of the earth did
  3. am glad i hooked up with them before they hooked up with mc’ds

those problems all have easy solutions.
1.) No talking required for a hate fuck. This is a cardinal rule.
2.) They’re probably a lot better at it now, compensating for looseness. Wrap up carefully and go at it. This one will also require the least effort.
3.) Should be used as a last resort only, but a BJ in the dark is the same no matter who its from