Piston Video


Lol, i actually saw it earlier just didn’t get a chance to post til then (hope that relieves some of the frustration;)). Not sure what zomgvtek’s story is:gotme:.


I saw it a while ago, and then last night… Just stating that i want someone to drill a hole in a rotary and shove a cam in there… :slight_smile:

WTF! I cant find this thing ANYWHERE! thats never happened before…

Why must in insist on clearing my cache all the time?


Nice work finding it again ^^^^^ :tup:

yeah thats cool as hell

They do this at the factory to study the flame front and how it propagates across the cylinder. This helps in the design of more efficient cylinder heads, pistons and fuel systems. Always cool to see.


Another link, i couldn’t get photobucket to work.

nice save :wink:

thats really cool :tup:

nice :drama2: