we could have a pittspeed scramble
The next time you go there, give me a call.
will do
Werd. Set it up Jeffery.
drag racing > golf
get your ass to the track
that goes for booth of you guys
you can drink and golf:D
I’ll see what I can get together. Might be a few weeks - I’m in the middle of building a test rig for work, bearing testing starts next week, wife will be on travel week after that.
Unless Sunday afternoons would work - good or bad for people? A scramble would be cool - someone can pull my weight then (how hard could that be?!?!?)
Sundays are good, as long as it isn’t Sept 19th.
I’ll gladly go and golf, unless you don’t want any sorta n00bs there
I’m pretty decent too (usuallyin the mid 80’s) in case anyone wants to “draft me” to win the scramble lol
we do not discrimanate against anyone…we are a big happy family come to the bbq you will be surprised
I call i’m on Rob’s team!
:rolleyes: Pick names out of a hat for teams. That way no one can :crying: about it. Play scramble style for or put in a dollar a hole for skins :dunno: or just play for the fun of it, dosnt matter to me. :blue:
but i want to :crying:
what does everyone shoot on average? I am usually between 42 and 47 for 9.
i shoot mid 50’s, but i play 1 or 2 times a year.
Rob shot high 30’s