pittspeed's 1st 8-bit nintendo tournament.

Originally posted by turbovw18
tecmo / double d / rbi are good.


skate or die > t & c

T & C wasn’t half bad if you knew how to play it

heavy shreddin’ was cool to
game genie was the shit tho

Does anyone still have a working Nintendo?

I vote for Blades of Steel.

Im about to pick up Mario Kart Double Dash when it comes out on the 19th or when ever. For now Kirbys Air Raid will tide over my racing needs.

Anyone accualy Super Smash Bros. Mele for Gamecube? I will pwn all in that game.

Originally posted by 8Grand
Does anyone still have a working Nintendo?

Im about to pick up Mario Kart Double Dash when it comes out on the 19th or when ever. For now Kirbys Air Raid will tide over my racing needs.

Anyone accualy Super Smash Bros. Mele for Gamecube? I will pwn all in that game.

we’re talking 8bit you fuckstick…

i have a working nintendo… actually had 2 sold one on ebay like 2 years ago :mad:

Originally posted by turbovw18
we’re talking 8bit you fuckstick…

i have a working nintendo… actually had 2 sold one on ebay like 2 years ago :mad:

8bit sucks. Someone mentioned the new Mario above, and I figured I might as well ask if anyone else plays anything else.

I think my buddies are holding a LAN tourny up at Cal before thanksgiving.

Originally posted by 8Grand
8bit sucks. Someone mentioned the new Mario above, and I figured I might as well ask if anyone else plays anything else.

I think my buddies are holding a LAN tourny up at Cal before thanksgiving.

LAN parties are awesome!!!


:ugh: i remember having the GLOVE or what ever its called and spending all my money on it, then having it smashed a few days later. Geeeeez i hate my sister…

the games sucked for the glove now that i remember so who cares.

dude… power glove…

popularized by mike tyson’s punch out…
IMORTALIZED by the acting of Fred Savage in the bocksoffice bash


i never had mike tysons punch out i had the cheap one with out mike it had
the large white guy at the end

Originally posted by 8Grand
8bit sucks. Someone mentioned the new Mario above, and I figured I might as well ask if anyone else plays anything else.

I think my buddies are holding a LAN tourny up at Cal before thanksgiving.

You talkin about the white house halo tourny?

You know i’ll be there getting my ass kicked.


Originally posted by ohsoquik02
i never had mike tysons punch out i had the cheap one with out mike it had
the large white guy at the end

regular punchout, i think it was like mr dream. I don’t think thou there is anything better than knocking mike tyson the fuck out. if you go the first half of the first round without him landing his super punch, he can’t throw it the rest of the fight.

Originally posted by Cutty
regular punchout, i think it was like mr dream. I don’t think thou there is anything better than knocking mike tyson the fuck out. if you go the first half of the first round without him landing his super punch, he can’t throw it the rest of the fight.
the game was the same all the same codes worked and
i do think it was mr dream. he had the same power punch

Originally posted by ohsoquik02
i never had mike tysons punch out i had the cheap one with out mike it had
the large white guy at the end

eh, Not there, But its more computer games… UT2k3 maybe 2k4 depending if anyone has it yet… + other games… There MIGHT be some 8 on 8 Xbox halo or maybe some Puter Halo…

I never owned a nintendo. My mom thought it was a waste of money or some shit… My neighbors had them… Blades of steel was my fav next to that one olympics game that you used that pad, we always used our hands to go faster :rolleyes:

i still have the pade!!

this thread went from who wants a tour. to what nin. was about

Originally posted by whitey
i still have the pade!!

maxi? :smiley:

Originally posted by whitey
i still have the pade!!

tysons punch out and punch out are the same game but nintendo droped tysons name because of his actions the guy at the end is still tyson but he is white… oh yea me, cabby, griz, and a few others have a working nintendo and if anybody wants old school games we have a hookup…nintendo, atari, genisis whatever plus tons of games to choose from

Originally posted by vtecsol
tysons punch out and punch out are the same game but nintendo droped tysons name because of his actions the guy at the end is still tyson but he is white… oh yea me, cabby, griz, and a few others have a working nintendo and if anybody wants old school games we have a hookup…nintendo, atari, genisis whatever plus tons of games to choose from

genisis does, genisis does cant nobody what genisis does
i have a few of these games lying around