PJB Anthem / Listen here, Listen now

i listen to this song once a day for real. <3


im upset that thier was no mention of his eating bricks of cheese, otherwise…priceless

its about wheeler isnt it

Tell that censoring bastard to pipe down.

had to come back and still say


I vote someone needs to make more of those

Epic bump

Please make more
Bring back the EPIC


Its been awhile since I’ve listened

How the Fu k did I miss this! buahahhaa

Bump, I feel like this has been forgotten.

epic bump, should be a sticky, we had that stupid lezbo shit

cause he’s


4 great minds came together to make this shit

there was a new version in the works, what happened singh?


Def time for a 2010 version

by the time they get it done itll be a 2011 version

just heard the original for the 1st time and it’s still funny as shit.