PNC stunt pics of today


K you guys got us their all photoshopped :rolleyes:

told u

thats why you disconnected the “Special Wire” :slap:

make it easier to clean up bike parts and body parts of the stupid

pretty sure if they fell they’d probabaly not damage themselves or the bikes…they weren’t going all that fast and it was in a parking lot…this isn’t like quiks 100mph wheelie stunts. :weak:

X infinity

thanks alot :asshole: there are alot of things that you can call stupid. but we all do things we like to do no matter the risks

thanks for the support man and those other wheelies :eek4:

then how come you dont street race anymore… ha, that is a hippocritical comment you just made… cant have it both ways. :itr41: :itr41: :itr41:

one who is there to street race??? like stated we all do things we want to do no matter how stupid it may be

your welcome
buried 2 friends allready cause of stupidity on street bikes… :madfawk:

well then let this be the death of me. im not being a dick but i just like doing this stuff. and things can go wrong in cars to hell things can go wrong walking down the street. when its time its time nothing anyone can do

so wheres the pics from this year???

:kicked up old ass thread:

i think quik is banned :dunno: