Post a pic of yourself thread v1.0?

whoa whoa whoa!!! kramerbuccs24= Little Joey??? Tony’s little brother??? :eek2

yep, exactly

Bring it :sFi_bat:

BWAHAHAHAHAHAH :sHa_dielaughing::sHa_rofl:

ooohhh man now i feel ooober old…god ive known that kid since he could fit into engine bays hahaha, and i think still had training wheels…man its been a while

yo ill fight you

:rofl :smiley:

it was in my photobucket from when deadbeatrec or whoever photochopped it and i had to do something with it. it’s all in good fun :hug

and i love the new sig :rofl

yup, thats him :smiley:

edit: NOOO :lol i read that wrong. joe is a friend of mine, i was just screwing with one of his pictures. kramerbuccs24=kramer (ryan) :smiley:

only picture of me worth posting:

Well I figured Id admit to it. Now excuse me while I face Mecca and bow to Allah and make bombs.

what, with your e-muscles?? cuz you dont have real ones :tongue

ooohhhh ok, that makes more sense…is joey on here?
so then wait, you (ryan) are really young?


if 17 is young, then yes :shifty

and joey’s on here i think he’s “porschemaster” or something along those lines, never really on though.

lol sorry i didnt mean it like that…

you didn’t mean what like what? lol

like she wanted to have sex with you

saying that you were “really” young…i just still think of joey as really young cuz the last time i saw him he was still using training wheels lol, its been a really long time, so you being the same age as him makes me think of you being really young…but no 17 is not “really” young

no not even close to what i meant :facepalm


haha gotchya.

Working on the Z earlier this year

chilling in Auto Tech last year

See hacked site thread