Post a pic of yourself thread v1.0?


if shes posting pics of her family she might as well post tits

Going on the balls touching rule, technically yes if they use any of the scrotum during surgery. Otherwise I don’t think so, unless you fuck it in the ass. Then it’s gay again. I think.

Some one needs to make a rule book on this type of thing. Cause now there is even plastics surgery to hide or remove the adams apple.

I am also pretty sure when they turn dudes into shicks they chop the head off the peenor and turn the shaft into a sock type thing and stuff it up in to make the vagina then sew the peenor head into the clit area and ta the ball sack and turn that into labia. So if you fucked a post op sheman you would be fucking the inside of another dudes dick.

haha… wtf…

once when i was little i thought that i might have had a vagina behind my ballsack to i tried find a hole behind the sack with my fingers but it hurt so i dont think theres a vagina behind my scrotum.

if you tuck your pee pee between your legs and can keep your balls from poking out it looks like a vagine

haha… what? you have tried to do this why?

wouldnt you if you had stuff hanging off your privates

Never saw Ace Ventura did you?

haha… I haven’t seen the Ace Ventura movies in years…

Oh Herro!!!

Go downtown to a GOOD bar if you want to pick up girls. If you fail there then you might as well just have somebody choke off your air supply until you pass away.

Or take 20mg of Lexapro a day and have near-zero libido. Your choice. :lol

u really shoulda gotten ur M.D.

what bars do you recommend?

im a chronic masturbator but i get lonely sometimes :lol

I don’t know dick about bars in Albany, except for the fact that they play terrible music and the majority of the kids down there (when colleges are in session) are 17-19 years old and act about 5 years younger than they really are. Add alcohol to that mix and you have one hell of a shitty time.

I went on the booze cruise on the dutch apple this Saturday and had a great time. They played good rock music, with covers from bands like sublime, third eye blind, 3 doors down, and even some lynyrd skynyrd in there too. They’re having another cruise on the 23rd and I am for sure going to be at that one. Plus the girl to guy ratio was at least 4:1 :lol And I’m talking good looking, well-mannered girls and not some slob heff who can’t take care of herself any better than LaDuke89 can mod his cars…

The crowd was what I liked the most, though. You could walk up to anybody in there and strike up a conversation. I didn’t see one guildo pain in the ass there the whole time.

Plus the fact that you can throw your beer bottles into the Hudson off of the moving boat when you are done entertains me for some reason…

haha plus rep for the la duke burn… and that does sound pretty fun

thanks, sounds like fun ill have to look into it.