Post a pic of yourself thread v1.0?


Lance looking sexXxy brah-

PS What conditioner do you use?

So thats what they call it nowadays, huh?

This picture would be so much better if I knew it was in your parents house…:rofl:rofl

oh your so bad ass

It is…



not that I have any room to talk, i still live with my parents, and i have hotwheels in my room too lol

What’s wrong with living with the rents. I’m 22, make more than they do, and I still live with em. lol.

there is nothing wrong with living with parents, i still do too, and i love it…im just saying, the way his room looks and the look on his face makes the pic wanna say…“hey baby wanna come back to my mom’s house? I got nice cars” hahhaha jk jk

I fail to see any sort of humor in that post.

You were the guy on the right, right?

No wonder he hates when I drive through his yard

lol no I said here is my grandfather and I

You should be able to figure out who’s who

come on now you failers


And pauls pic made me say What…The…Fuck??? out loud :lol

Soon as my labtop comes back ill get one up… not that anyone cares :lol

The look on your face…

ummmm whats the look on his face …hmmmmmmm

lol mmk

PJB, I think you just found a girlfriend!!! :rofl

:rofl You were going to make fun of him for living with his parents WHEN YOU DO TOO!