Post a pic of yourself thread v1.0?

Finally some one is on the same page

Acting gay actually attracts a LOT of bitches… I know a kid at Siena who kinda acted like that (he was straight though… as far as I know) and he had bitches left and right:lmao

Yeah because the reason I like girls is to hang out and talk with them like friends. :retardclap

Umm, yes?


Oh, chicks.

I just like to get under your skin, what can I say.

Pure gold… lmfao :rofl


No I wasn’t farting…

Then one day my hair decided to fall out so this is how I look now. I’m on the left, and yes peace signs are gay

Whos the guy your talking too? lol that is a great picture.

You looked the same back when you went to guilderland and i just found out we used to have the same piano teacher too way back in the day lol

Me & DJ @ Pixies, of course

If it was not for being with DJ / tattoos & piercings I would never recognize you 'Ris.
You never look the same twice whenever I see you. Mostly the hair I think. :lol

woot DJs the man.

your jokes are farrrr from funny:hug

No you wont. You never come though…lol

it’s wifeys dad. the guy is hilarious. one of my favorite people ever. we sneak out for beers whenever we can, usually while camping etc. lol tracey and her mom get pissed lol it’s so funny.

the pic of me and claire in the restaurant was from when I was in FMS I think. suprised anybody from gland recognizes me… I was sent to CBA in 8th grade…

Yea my hair is ALWAYS diff! According to DJ though I look the same in every pic (kiss face lol)