Post Here If you have Fry as your AV.

Nick Cook is the whitest name i’ve ever heard in my life.

and Howie doesn’t count because

  1. he’s the creator
  2. he’s white at heart
  3. he’s hawaiian

lol. nice.

keep it for the next mutiny.

I told you, take a deep breath and close your eyes. :gotme:

With laced candy no less…

Like Dazed and confused guy?


I personally prefer the second, he is my idol

what about the AV talk :gotme:

I would just like to point out that a member named “JewHefner” is viewing this thread! :lol: :wave:

they are only 3 days old

Don’t you love it? I totally discovered him 3 days ago. He’s my idol.


Jew checkin’ in! :wiggle:






lol fry has fry…

Hey look, it’s Nikuk:

pffft no, thats jam

get a room already.