Post pics of your ride in snowy situations

the antenna’s in those pics are unreal… in that situation id chisel one door… get inside and just start the car and let it warm up till i could drive it down south… lol… i had to chisel my g/fs fathers care off time like 3 years ago in rochester… it had a solid .5-1.5 inches of ice all around…no good

i don’t know if i’d take a chisel to my car. maybe a long extension cord and a handheld heat gun?

word. that’s what i’d do. no way in hell i’d take a chisel to it.
up the snow bank woops!

one of my new whip. that im damn proud of. 7 days after purchase.

and heres the crappy incar video of the dorifto battle prior to the snowbank.


^^ Good times. :smiley: You guys coming back this Saturday??

Haha you guys and those crazy impretzels. :slight_smile: