Post pics of your significant other!Y

Wow, Laura gained a lot of weight. :umm


:crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup

Still hangin wit my girl laaauurrrieee.

Can’t wait to get home and fuck a roll.

That’s a beautiful child you two have together.

That’s a doll, Nicole.

Don’t be silly.

I thought it was funny. :sad

That bitch has been cheating on me with you??? :angry2

Mah baby and new kittie
almost 3 years…
for some reason her hair looks REALLY short.^^^

and benny thats rollarama in rotterdam :crackup

why would you post a pic of your actual g/f on this forum… :lol

who cares. srsly.

some of the guys on this thread are a little iffy…shes going to get googled LOL…it was a joke relax

cuz shes good looking? shrug why not?


people are posting dildos, right hands, disgusting she-beasts, and he posts a pic of his actual gf :crackup :crackup

He’s proud guys.

obviously, and thats cool… but I thought it was pretty damn funny.

its the fact that i didnt read ANY of the thread but the second page…

should have known…

oh i give him credit



and i second that motion on the pics ;D