Post Your Pic! v. thishasneverbeendonebefore

i need something to resize pics before i can post them

is it just me or does beautfldsastr427 look pretty good :wink:

the roomies idk about them tho haha


is it just me or does beautfldsastr427 look pretty good :wink:


[Internet Superpimps]

It’s just you. She is horrendously fat and I would not have sexual relations with her if the survival of mankind depended on it.

[/Internet Superpimps]


is it just me or does beautfldsastr427 look pretty good :wink:




[Internet Superpimps]

It’s just you. She is horrendously fat and I would not have sexual relations with her if the survival of mankind depended on it.

[/Internet Superpimps]



use paint

when did all these girls join?


the roomies idk about them tho haha


2/4 are fuckable sober. The other 2 might be fuckable drunk, pending fattyness.


when did all these girls join?


When they needed their oil changed :smiley:


2/4 are fuckable sober. The other 2 might be fuckable drunk, pending fattyness.


yea ill agree with that lol, some might be like after a 12 of something good , others after some shots of jack



lol that smiley is awesome.

the guys in this thread all similar to gremlins who never move out of the boiler-room bedroom at their parents house, and turn away in agony the minute sunlight shining through a glass-block window reflects off their ever illuminating monitor.


edit: i love how everyone also acts like they are too good to sleep with someone, if she was available and interested, just because the girl isn’t super model hot… all lies. “OH MAN I’M NOT SLEEPING WITH THAT CHICK SHE HAS A HANGNAIL OMG ID NEED TO BE SOOO DRUNK TO LOOK PAST THAT OBVIOUS HYGIENIC ERROR”


yea wait whose gf are u :snky:


I used to date bsp_tc


edit: i love how everyone also acts like they are too good to sleep with someone, if she was available and interested, just because the girl isn’t super model hot… all lies. “OH MAN I’M NOT SLEEPING WITH THAT CHICK SHE HAS A HANGNAIL OMG ID NEED TO BE SOOO DRUNK TO LOOK PAST THAT OBVIOUS HYGIENIC ERROR”


:word: I’d bang them all, even the fat ones.


I used to date bsp_tc


how many PMs have you gotten in the past 30 minutes?


:word: I’d bang them all, even the fat ones.


preach brother preach


:word: I’d bang them all, even the fat ones.


:word: Hasn’t been a chick posted yet that wasn’t at least do-able. Although I think the win goes to the redhead on page one. :tup:

Oh, and of course I’m only talking about serious posts. 87fox’s wife and the troll with the mug of beer don’t count. :tdown:


NYSpeed homes of the E-pimps



the internets, homes of the E-pimps




:word: Hasn’t been a chick posted yet that wasn’t at least do-able. Although I think the win goes to the redhead on page one. :tup:

Oh, and of course I’m only talking about serious posts. 87fox’s wife and the troll with the mug of beer don’t count. :tdown:


haha, you leave my wife out of this.

Here, ill redeem myself (though this chick is pretty ugly and fat by nyspeed standards )