Post Your Pic! v. thishasneverbeendonebefore

i bump it like its hot

damnit, i wanted to post a picture of zong but i cant find it


i call bs on this picture jay’s not wearing a jersey


wtf… i see jay nowhere in this pic???


you MO’s… thats maxima chris


wtf… i see jay nowhere in this pic???


okokokok I FAIL Chris looked like Jay, i see it now.

so BS removed.

you suck

thank you I know this, everyone has IM’d me to inform me of how I suck, I GET IT.

I blame the shitty camera it was taken on, either that or they were separated at birth.

you suck?

wow. you really suck.

i was confused… i understand now… u do suck :stuck_out_tongue:


i bump it like its hot


thats chris…next time we meet i am going to kill you denim dan!

although that curly haired kid is pretty hot.

who’s the guy all the way at the far end pointing at food?


who’s the guy all the way at the far end pointing at food?


the older guy?

Is that Butch? Hahah


you suck




you suck?




wow. you really suck.


wow. really die


i was confused… i understand now… u do suck :stuck_out_tongue:


you are confused… and gay… and die


thats chris…next time we meet i am going to kill you denim dan!

although that curly haired kid is pretty hot.


thanks… why am i denim dan, i don’t even own any denim

and you’re gay for loving yourself, because you’re a dude.


i suck



you suck.



you suck.




damnit. i still wish that was jay, can’t we just pretend.




wow. really die

you are confused… and gay… and die

thanks… why am i denim dan, i don’t even own any denim

and you’re gay for loving yourself, because you’re a dude.


You faggot! that saying was from stpr a million years ago…when I quit drinking at 7:30 in the morning and you never stopped :slight_smile:

you confused me and maxima chris? wow u suck :stuck_out_tongue: