Post Your Pic! v. thishasneverbeendonebefore



sorry it is so big and ugly! hahahahahahahaha

You two have been dating since you were 11?!?

i think i railed that girl before.

uh oh this could get interesting

Making sure the snorkel/mask doesn’t leak before the trip to Panama. :tup:
My best friend and I, cooking in the old apartment:

I never realized how many pictures there are of me without my face showing. Does that mean I’m ugly?

That means you are a Zwarbyt biter…

either reading or math was not your strong subject in school. first picture he is 7. second picture is 21 years later which equals this 7+21= 28 and dating for 10 years would be somthing like this 28-10=18 so in this equation id say he was 18 when they started dating. all this is info would be correct if he was indeed 28 right now.

i doubt that, shes not in highschool.


is that pic in regency court apts. in OP…looks like it, i use to live there

Im real ugly, so I dont have pics of myself…

They make me cry.

come on man you gotta show off that new beard you just picked up


my beard is starting to get way out of hand…

I can stick a dry erase marker in it and it stays…

i should just post a picture of my ass…it would look better than all of you…haha just kidding.

pics or ban…i mean we can trade if ur interested? i have a few good ones i think u might like, but mines purple :hitit:

Hey, that the numa numa kid on the left?

Ivybrook Crossing in West Nukka.

So anyhow, here’s me right after my marathon of interviews at Praxair. They obviously hired me for my sex appeal. Lord knows it wasn’t my talent. :uhh:

^ your dogs want to come outside and play.