Pretty cool-Online Genie will guess who you're thinking of.

it got Hitler… lol

hockey sucks

disagree 100%

you ever play?

bet you’d get knocked around good.

i played from 11 all the way to 18.

put your fuckin giraffe ass on skates and ill fuck you up somethin fierce.

a) Hockey is awesome

b) Hitler is one of the most popular people that the genie guesses

c) He did not guess anthony civarelli for me. But, now that it’s in there, he can.

I got the Sham wow guy LMAO

im just messing with the bacnechaser, relax :lol . i enjoy watching it but don’t really follow it and a few of my friends played it in high school, much respect to the players, it’s brutal and requires a lot of skill for sure.

not interested.

damn genie. got me thinking of Taylor swift.

afraid you’d get rocked eh? shut your mouth pussy

:rofl:rofl I don’t even REMOTELY care about playing you in hockey. I’ve never played hockey in my life. You beat me in hockey, I beat you in life. Let’s just accept those facts and move on, I’m fine with that.

holy shit this thing works…lol

Tried it a few times and it wouldn’t guess it.

John Belushi

LOL, for some reason, Fionna Apple came to mind, i used to dig her when i was young, and this fuckin thing knew thats who i was thinking of! lolol

wow… that fuckin thing just guess aaron burr, holy shit

it failed for me

my character was indian but not that dude

Worked this time

Wow no shit, I guess I’ve gotta get more obscure