Preview of What's to Come

heeeeeell no haha

well a clearer picture would kind of deter the purpose of having people guess what it is…a little. we will just wait and let the video speak for itself.
and like i said before you misinterpreted the tone of the comment, its the internet soo…
for all the worse and uneccecary comments i get on my videos, i saw one thing that is taken the wrong way and get attacked. thats pittspeed for ya :blue:

please shut the fuck up, no one cares about some fucking pole that holds a camera


if you dont care then dont post! pittspeed would be a better place

no he’s right, nobody gives a fuck about your homemade jig with a speaker holding it up and balsa wood holding it together. I built better quality shit when I was 9 yers old

good for fucking you! if people didnt give a fuck there wouldnt be any post on this thread, so no i really dont think he is right.

I am, get the hint. you have a 2100 dollar camera but can’t take a clear picture, stop being an aw and go clean your steelies :blanyer:

2100 dollar video camera buddy…

get a real car then come talk

where we even talking about cars?!? where did that come from?


well i know that haha but this thread isnt car oriented

atleast his car has gas new enough for it to still run

Sounds car related.

:rofl: Holy thread backfire!