Except that car looks like a bagged pile of shit compared to this one…in my opinion there’s something to be said for a nice car thats in good shape, jeff’s not a crazy drifter, he just wants a daily driver with some punch that isnt breaking down every 2 days…not everything has to be boro mark!! :slight_smile:

go team stocker!..at least get some aero! BN or URAS

at least the fenders are of matching measure

nothing a bass boat sparkel paint job cant fix…and it because it has a 1" flared molded lip…its the rims that arent doing your freinds car any good, i just hate when ppl say its a clean car/wow thats so nice…when its clearly plain looking…at least it has arb25 i guess

sorry about being so harsh RB25ceffy, maybe im just sick of all these kids getting rhd drive cars these days, seeing that a select few of us were the first group of ppl to have them…

Gee thanks budday, I’ve had the car for like 5 months. As you can see I’ve had a shit load of time to modify it :roll: Oh, ya sure a BN kit, thats efin hot, dear god man, thats some good taste lol. Good way to make friends btw.

My rant is over.
This is probably just sparked by the cop yesterday anyway.

did Jeff get pulled over??? I got pulled over in Japan yesterday too. But I had to get a cop ride to the police station and watch another cop drive our skyline like a retard! HAHA it was all good though in the end. JDM cops are gay!

I like the car alot, looks like a hot unit to cruise the highways with.

Bravo on keeping it stock looking. No rice = teh win! :smiley:

jeff’s car is so clean and RELIABLE :E

Hahaha, jdm cops, at least you can say ‘me no speaka japanese’ lol.

So, it was about 3 am on saterday morning and Chris wanted me and Brandon to go find some parking lot to piss around in. We find this Gas bar in the industrial park so brandon goes first and slides around it a couple time, each time spinning out at the same place. He parks where I was and I get going around the pumps, when I get about half way around I spin out in the same place Brandon was. I throw it in reverse and all of a sudden I see another set of headlights coming into the lot. Like out of nowhere the F’n paddy wagon shows up and throughs on the lights. It didn’t take the chick cop to figgure out that it was a RHD but God Damn it must have been that time of the month :? She askes me 'are you guys drunk or are you just being stupid. Thinking I’m about to get a shit load of flack from this girl I fugured, better play along, ‘We’re being stupid ma’am.’ She tells me she has a prisoner and she cannot deal with me :o , you guys need to grow up and not act like dumb shit and what not…she told me she got my plate down and I need to be heading home. I thank her and she leaves.

So I think I’ve about used up all my luck for a year, but all I can say now is thank god for drunk natives! lol

yah i know what you mean, i drove 4 of the first 10 in Alberta
they barely even get me excited anymore though

i now get more excited about those who properly maintain, and have a passion for the car they own. too many jdm cars have gone to those who barely care/know what they have an how to maintain it’s value. this cefiro surely doesn’t have many mods to it, but it also doesnt have any poor/shitty/unneeded mods either

i will personally say that your silvia is pretty damn sweet too, but the smoking engine and and overall presentation was lacking last time i seen it. once your car shines nicely and has matching wheels and will make it vancouver and back without need for a toolkit, i’ll be impressed too

nothing a bass boat sparkel paint job cant fix…and it because it has a 1" flared molded lip…its the rims that arent doing your freinds car any good, i just hate when ppl say its a clean car/wow thats so nice…when its clearly plain looking…at least it has arb25 i guess

sorry about being so harsh RB25ceffy, maybe im just sick of all these kids getting rhd drive cars these days, seeing that a select few of us were the first group of ppl to have them…[/quote]

You know, I don’t get all these people that are pissed off that now RHD cars are popular. You think you were the first ones to drive RHD? How about all the british car owners that brought over their triumphs, MG’s, minis, london taxicabs, etc well before you got your car from Japan? Could they not lay claim to the same title you do, and look at YOU as the punk kid with the RHD car taking their privelige?

Seriously, if you think that RHD cars are a privelege and that only serious enthusiasts should own one, get over yourself. You should be thankful that there are people that like these cars enough to bring them over, because with these cars come parts and experience that everyone can make use of.

nothing a bass boat sparkel paint job cant fix…and it because it has a 1" flared molded lip…its the rims that arent doing your freinds car any good, i just hate when ppl say its a clean car/wow thats so nice…when its clearly plain looking…at least it has arb25 i guess

sorry about being so harsh RB25ceffy, maybe im just sick of all these kids getting rhd drive cars these days, seeing that a select few of us were the first group of ppl to have them…[/quote]

and your car is a super car?

ceffy weffy has a little brother


sr20 cefi vs rb25 cefi


Aaah its so cute…jks, lol

I got tons of ‘handme downs’ if you ever need any parts. (lights, interior, etc.) :E

oh really … I need the fuse cover as mine is missing a tab and falls out and wouldnt mind a different grille for the a31 …
otherwise I am liking it

You don’t really need two bride seats in there do you ???

one bride=cool
two bride=super cool :rolleyes:

Granted, but man, thats the exact seat that I want. Anybody know what they usually sell for?