RBakerian-OG, Supra Owner, Devine Lover, and above all...NERD.

Skiing for 15 years w/ 2x the load on knees+knee injuries=no treadmill til some of the extra load is off.

I honestly don’t drink much soda, only when it’s the only goddamn thing around.

I watch what I eat, but I eat too much of it for my activity level. :rofl

That being said if someone who knows what the eff they’re doing will give me a diet/regimen I would absolutely stick to it, I’ve already lost 60 lbs on my own, but have gained 30 of it back since (over like 2 years), had a decent diet down, was losing 4-8 lbs a week, but it pissed me off more than anything. I was pretty miserable.

Soo who wants to talk this shit through with me without charging me $40+/hr.

I know the basics, just need a regimen, I’ll go grab a cheap set of weights.

That is def deadbeats area

word, i can give u some diets that i have wrote for others who i have trained.

Anorexia and cocaine. Effective beats proper every time.

haha + 1

WoW sucks, im not even nerd enough for that game

if your playing WoW, you are either rich and retired but too fat and ugly to go out and party or drive nice cars cuz yo can’t fit in them, or your under 16 and only worries are making it to dinner and doing your homework haha

so i feel bad for ryan , that shit will eat your life i remember some buddies of mine got into that shit, months of no outside communication

ok then help a brutha out, what do you need to know?

I played for a week, for like 2 hours total lol. I dont let it control me? I dont even see how you get hooked on this game.

Im 25, have three jobs, work out, hang with family a lot and work on my house. I dont think im lacking.


i used to work with these 2 kids, and the one kids dad worked there with us… they would do nothing in they’re spare time but play warcraft. They’d be all amped up and talking about it like 7 hours before the shift was done. fuckin guys would stay up until like 6am playing it. straight up losers. they acted like they’re whole existence in this world would be useless without it. it was THAT bad.

Couple of my friends are HARDCORE into it. But contrary to what Singh said, they are all 21 and 22. The one is a stoner, another has a girl and is going for his PHD, and the third hooks up with a diff girl every 3 weeks.

That said, they do all love talking about it and whenever they get home the first thing they do is start playing.

I played it for a few months…got bored of it. I played more N64 than I did WoW.

Wii Fit.

Get it.